Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Tea Party and the Political Spectrum

My current rant has been about the Tea Party. Since people are probably sick of me talking about it I figured I would write about it.

The Tea Party in the United States emerged last year as a grassroots movement in response to the bailouts and the economic crisis. People who had never participated in political movements got involved to voice their concerns to the Obama Administration. It is phenomenal that people are getting involved and that a grassroots movement has gotten as large as it has especially when they originally had legitimate concerns.

However, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck from Fox News along with Christine O'Donnell have become a face for the party. Glenn Beck goes on his show calling everyone in the Obama Administration Communists and Nazis. Bill O'Reilly talks about how Obama is a Marxist and Muslim. Christine O'Donnell, who is trying to get into the senate, is going on the news saying that everyone should be celibate and that masturbation is wrong. I will now tell you why this is crazy.

First of all it is impossible to be a communist and a Nazi at the same time. Here is a chart of the political spectrum:

Communists are on the extreme left and relatively high on the authoritarian scale depending on the regime. Generally when we think of communism we think of Lenin, Stalin and Mao who were totalitarian leaders. However, communism in it's true form is fairly libertarian with a classless society and  communal ownership of the means of production. There would be no wages or private property. Everything would be shared. Yet, none of the leaders who have attempted communism have let it go to it's true state and they have made changes to the communist theory as it suits them.

In comparison Nazis or fascists are on the extreme right and high on the authoritarian scale. Fascists believe in a strong leader who can unite the people into a singular identity so that they will be ready to fight. Individualism is rejected for united nationalism. Furthermore, they believe that the elite need to rule the masses as the masses do not know what they are doing. Political leaders who have followed this are Hitler and Mussolini.

As you can see the two methods of governing are very different. During World War II when Hitler and Stalin formed an alliance people were confused because they had nothing in common besides the fact that they were ruthless dictators.

Secondly, Obama is not a Marxist or a Muslim. He has been trying to implement health care and raise taxes so that the United States can pay off their massive debt therefore according to some out there who have clearly never taken any social studies whatsoever he is a Marxist. Obama is also not a Muslim. I don't know why it matters if he is a Muslim because it shouldn't.

Thirdly, Christine O'Donnell and her celibacy. I hope she realizes that people don't work that way. It is important to promote safe sex as well as celibacy because the kids are having sex. They need to have the information so at least if they choose to have sex they won't get STDs. I saw a t-shirt that said "Abstinence is for Virgins". I feel that it fits in this situation as she is preaching that everyone remain celibate.

Ok this is long yet cathartic. The solution to the misinformation out there is for Fox News to stop hiring crazy people which will never happen because yelling nonsense gets ratings apparently.  

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